Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010


Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya) evolved from University of Trisakti (Usakti) Surabaya. The latter was established by the Foundation of Usakti Surabaya that consists of prominent society figures, academics, businessmen and government. It was the initial aim of this establishment to host students, faculty members, and staffs of University of Res Publica Surabaya after screening and clearance.

Under the initiative of Mr. R.Soekotjo, Chairman, Foundation of Usakti Surabaya as well as Mayor of Surabaya, the name for Usakti was altered to UNIVERSITAS SURABAYA. This alteration was legalised by Notarial document Djoko Soepadmo, S.H no. 25 dated 6th March 1968. In the early years, Ubaya had three faculties, namely, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics.

The date of 11th March 1968 was declared as the anniversary of the university when the construction of campus on Jalan Ngagel Jaya Selatan 169 was restarted. The construction of campus at Jalan Tenggilis was begun in 1981 and used at the first time by Faculty of Economics in 1982.

In 1977, The Vocational Institution for Accountancy (LPK AA) was established, and latter in 1983, the name was changed into Faculty of Non-Degree (FNG). In 1992, the name was adjusted into Centre for Business and Management Education (PPBMT). The mid of 1995, PPMT was again changed into Polytechnic for Business and Industry (PBI). In 1997-1998, PBI offered Diploma programme on Economics and English Business Language. In the year of 2000, Ubaya Polytechnic opened 3 study programmes of Accounting, Marketing and Secretary.  Another two study programmes namely Foreign Business Language and Taxation followed in 2002.

In 1989, Faculty of Pharmacy established Professional Pharmacist Programme. Faculty of Psychology was established in 1982, followed by Faculty of Engineering in 1986. Faculty of Psychology sets up its Professional Psychology Programme in 1998.

Towards the end of 1992, the University of Surabaya was appointed by the Government to run Master of Management Programme and Master of Law Programme through its Graduate Programmes. At that time, Ubaya and another 3 private universities in Jakarta were the only 4 universities appointed by the Government to run the programmes. 

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