Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

courses of ubaya

Faculty of Pharmacy

The faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Surabaya was established since 1963, and on 1998 got A Accreditation from the Badan Akreditasi Nasional (Indonesian Acceditation Body). The faculty's mission is to produce pharmacists with a rationale scientific knowledge, professional, humanitarianism in centred national & global development, business & industry and possess. Click here or visit  the faculty official website for further information.


Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law was established in 1966, when Ubaya was known as the University of TRISAKTI (USAKTI), and was one of the three founding faculties along with Pharmacy and Economics which became Ubaya in 1968. The Faculty of Law was “registered” under the Decree No. 172/PT/III/1968 on 5 September 1968 by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Click  here  or visit the faculty official website for further information.


Faculty of Business and Economics

The Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) is one of the first faculties within the Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya), a private university established on March 11, 1968. Faculty of Economy campus building which were designed by Romo Y. B Mangunwijaya with friends as the architect was the combination of Penataran temple, Bentar temple, Egypt Pyramid and Indian Maya. It symbolizes progress and the superiority of Technology science with the character of Indonesian culture. It also is expected as the main value to realize Ubaya Institute’s ambition. 
Click here, or visit the faculty official website  for further information.

Faculty of Psychology

In 1998, according to the Decree of National Higher Education Institution Accreditation Board (BAN-PT) No. 002/BAN-PT/Ak-III/XII/1998 dated 22 December 1998, the faculty achieved the highest accreditation ranking possible of “A”. The latest accreditation appraisal was conducted in 2004 by BAN-PT for the Faculty of Psychology Ubaya. According to The Decree No. 035/BAN-PT/Ak-VII/S1/VIII/2004 dated 23 August 2004, BAN-PT once again awarded the faculty an “A” accreditation. Click here or visit  the faculty official website for further information.


Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering Ubaya delivers engineering education and implements fundamental and applied research that relevant to society in general and relevant to industry in particular. The existence of the Faculty of Engineering in Ubaya has made Ubaya as a comprehensive university committed to the university development.  The sustainability of academic activities, improvement of academic facilities and industrial relationships are the future’s major priorities of the faculty. Click here  or visit the faculty official website for further information.


Faculty of Biotechnology

The current phenomenon indicates that biotechnology has effectively changed and improved the quality of life through the technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, plant, micro-organism or derivatives thereof. Because the field of biotechnology is still relatively new, there is an abundance of career opportunities for anyone interested in life sciences. Comprehending this phenomenon, Ubaya opened the Faculty of Biotechnology on academic year of 2005-2006. Click  here  or visit  the faculty official website for further information.


UBAYA Polytechnic

Polytechnic is an institution which administrates professional higher education not only in the field of engineering technique, but also in the field of social science especially that produce professional in their field. Click here to access detail information about UBAYA Poltek, or click here to access the official site of UBAYA Poltek.


Postgraduate Studies

UBAYA Postgraduate Program manage higher education S2 degree to supports society demand especially society of Business and Industry. Click here to get more detail information, or click here to access the official site.

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Ubaya Training Center (UTC)

Ubaya Training Center (UTC) is part of the Integrated Outdoor Campus (IOC) which is widely known as Ubaya campus III. It is located in Village of Tamiajeng, Trawas and stands on the 36-hectare land. UTC offers a new outdoor training concept that promotes the nature as well as implementation of effective & optimum nature conservation. Detail Info


Student organisation development Ubaya focuses on the student-centred learning.

This focus/orientation inspires Ubaya to determine its student organisation development strategy, aims to accompany the students through co-curricular/extracurricular activities. Info ADPELKAM & Current types of UKM that available at Ubaya


Ubaya grants various awards to students either as an individual or as a group who can demonstrate outstanding achievements in curricular, co-curricular/extra-curricular activities. The outstanding achievements earned by the students will automatically strengthen the image of Ubaya in community. The awards can be categorised as scholarship and/or non scholarship awards.   Click here to view detail Information.

Career Assistance Centre (CAC)

Divisi Career Services hadir sebagai mediator antara UBAYA, industri, dan institusi lain yang memerlukan tenaga profesional.  Info Selengkapnya atau akses situs resmi CAC untuk info lebih lanjut.

International Affairs & International Village

The International Village is aimed at bringing under one roof the various international education and cultural centres operating in Indonesia. This will enable the general public to more easily access their services. click here to view general information, or click Detail Infoclick hereclic the International village website.

Medical Clinic

Klinik Medis Ubaya merupakan salah satu ujung tombak untuk menuju tercapainya kesehatan (jasmani dan rohani) yang lebih baik bagi seluruh civitas akademika Universitas Surabaya pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Info Selanjutnya

Counseling Services

As the division that supports learning and teaching process, PLKPAM serves the students using proactive approach.  Click here to view general information.


Library is not just a place to keep printed and non-printed literatures. Moreover, it provides information for research and learning process purposes. Therefore, the University Library builds relationship in the field of information services with other institutes or libraries.  Click here to view general information, or click library website.

Ubaya Language Center (ULC)

ULC (Ubaya Language Center) – the center for language excellence – was established in April 2004. Detail ULC

Computer Center

Centre for Computer Education services is the computer facility provided to the students and lecturers for media computation and multimedia studies.  Click here to view general information.

Warta Ubaya & Gerbang

Warta Ubaya is monthly tabloid with the first issue was published on 18 November 1994. The target audiences of this tabloid are Ubaya community and staffs, alumni and subscribers. Click here or access to Warta Ubaya

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010


Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya) evolved from University of Trisakti (Usakti) Surabaya. The latter was established by the Foundation of Usakti Surabaya that consists of prominent society figures, academics, businessmen and government. It was the initial aim of this establishment to host students, faculty members, and staffs of University of Res Publica Surabaya after screening and clearance.

Under the initiative of Mr. R.Soekotjo, Chairman, Foundation of Usakti Surabaya as well as Mayor of Surabaya, the name for Usakti was altered to UNIVERSITAS SURABAYA. This alteration was legalised by Notarial document Djoko Soepadmo, S.H no. 25 dated 6th March 1968. In the early years, Ubaya had three faculties, namely, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics.

The date of 11th March 1968 was declared as the anniversary of the university when the construction of campus on Jalan Ngagel Jaya Selatan 169 was restarted. The construction of campus at Jalan Tenggilis was begun in 1981 and used at the first time by Faculty of Economics in 1982.

In 1977, The Vocational Institution for Accountancy (LPK AA) was established, and latter in 1983, the name was changed into Faculty of Non-Degree (FNG). In 1992, the name was adjusted into Centre for Business and Management Education (PPBMT). The mid of 1995, PPMT was again changed into Polytechnic for Business and Industry (PBI). In 1997-1998, PBI offered Diploma programme on Economics and English Business Language. In the year of 2000, Ubaya Polytechnic opened 3 study programmes of Accounting, Marketing and Secretary.  Another two study programmes namely Foreign Business Language and Taxation followed in 2002.

In 1989, Faculty of Pharmacy established Professional Pharmacist Programme. Faculty of Psychology was established in 1982, followed by Faculty of Engineering in 1986. Faculty of Psychology sets up its Professional Psychology Programme in 1998.

Towards the end of 1992, the University of Surabaya was appointed by the Government to run Master of Management Programme and Master of Law Programme through its Graduate Programmes. At that time, Ubaya and another 3 private universities in Jakarta were the only 4 universities appointed by the Government to run the programmes.